Saturday, June 22, 2013

What's to Eat?? Strawberry Cheesecake Bites!

Cheesecake Infused Strawberries!

Doesn't the title itself make your mouth just salvilate?!
What you will need::
A mixing bowl
1 pack of strawberries
8 oz soft cream cheese (if you have less, it's ok. this just determines how much filling you want)
3-4 tablespoons of powder sugar (the more the sugar, the sweeter the filling)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Graham cracker crumbs

First start by rinsing the strawberries.  Then you will cut the top part and hull out the middle using a knife or melon-baller as shown below.

After you completed the hollowing out of the strawberries, you can now start on your filling!  Combine the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla with a mixer or by hand.

Go ahead and crush your Graham crackers fully.  Now you are ready for the stuffing! Doesn't it smell great in your kitchen right about now?!

I just got a zip lock bag and filled the cream cheese in it, moved i all to one side, and cut a small hole in the edge; the perfect, cheap cone!  Start filling those strawberries to the top!

Just sprinkle on the crushed graham crackers on top and you are ready! You can eat right away, but I like to refrigerate so it all cools down and blends together.  Perfect summer bites!

Check back soon for a Bohemian inspired ootd!
ps, don't forget to =)

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