Today's Monday Mani was inspired by Pinterest. I just thought it was too fun and cute not to recreate!
First go ahead and paint all your nails the solid colors you would want. I went with a pale pink, brown, olive green, and a creme for the decorative nails.
Next, on the nails you want to use the print on, go ahead and put dots onto them. I did it on my thumb and ring finger. I also think putting all the other colors in make it look better. Also, I found that putting little slash marks instead of dots came out for a better overall look.
Here you would want to find a thin paintbrush or black nail polish to use for the lines. The thinner the better. Also, don't be discouraged if you don't get it at first! Practice makes perfect!
But here you will want to do small outlines, not perfect though, but around your dots/slash marks like shown below.
And ta-dah! You now have some really cute nails!
Happy mani and enjoy your week!
ps, don't forget to =)