Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Favorites!

HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY Y'ALL! Hope it wasn't as chilly there as it was here! Burrrr. Well as the long awaited day has arrived, TGIF, here's a few favorites for this week, Enjoy!

Favorite Mantra:: So simple and yet so effective; I know I absolutely love the feeling of knowing I made someone else's day just a bit brighter with my corny-ness :)
 Favorite Accessory:: Knee socks are beyond warm and comfy.  Get this one from Free People. here!

 Favorite Dish:: Remember when I made these Mint-Raita Chickpea burger? Doesn't this mini slider get your mouth watering? Even better, it's filled with protein! Get the recipe here! 

Favorite Throwback moment:: Remember the hit show, The O.C.?! Take a trip down memory lane with this favorite scene of SethUmmer and their first kiss.

 Favorite Interior Trick:: Don't have enough money to buy one of those extravagant, huge mirrors? Create your own with a few Walmart/Target plain mirrors and stack them in a horizontal effect for a more modern, unique look!

 Favorite DIY Detail:: I just love gold-dipped anything! They make for such a classy, simple style! Get some tape and gold spray paint to create your own dipped effect!

Have a great weekend! Check back later this week for an OOTD and a scrumptious recipe!
ps, don;t forget to =)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What's to Eat?? Spaghetti Squash

Want a comforting, noodle-like dish without feeling the guilt? Pasta-junkie like me but hate the carbs associated with it? Trying to east healthier but can't give up the foods you like most? I have a solution for you to get the best of both worlds!

 Spaghetti Squash alone is just about 31 calories per cup. WHAT?! Bet your mind is blown away, right? I am a vegetarian but have been a bad one when it comes to actually liking vegetables like zucchini, squash, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc, (yuck, right!?) But I've been liking them a lot more ever since I've been finding new ways to eat them. Squash was on the list of veggies I don't like, YET, I LOVE spaghetti squash, and THAT is saying something! It is a must try; I am sure once you give it one try, you will skip your pastas and use squash instead. Delicious and Nutritious! 

What you will need:: (to make for about 4-5 people)
Spaghetti part::
A sauce (or two like we did) of your favorite liking
My Sauce Recipes::
(For the mac and cheese sauce)
1/4 cup flour
2 cups milk
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup chopped Broccoli
1/2 of an onion, diced
3/4 bell pepper, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, diced
salt, pepper, seasonings to taste
Oil, only enough needed for the garlic and onions
(For the marinara sauce)
1/2 marinara sauce of your liking
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, diced
seasonings to taste

Steps for making the actual Spaghetti::
Preheat your oven to 375.
Now, get your squash and start poking holes all throughout it.  This is needed so when you put it in the oven, it would burst. You can now add it into the oven for about an hour.

During this time you can go ahead and make your sauce(s). This was my first time having this style of spaghetti, so I decided to try it two different ways to see how I liked it.
Sauce Recipes::
To make a mac-and-cheese type sauce::
Heat butter and oil in a saucepan over medium heat.  Add your onions and cook for about 2 minutes or when it turns pale pink. Mix in all the veggies now and then stir in the flour. Reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring continuously for about 3-4 minutes.
You can now add your milk.  Continue whisking and stirring, raising the heat back up to medium-high until it becomes to a boil and a nice smooth, thick layer. You can add in your spinach and cheese now as well.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

To make a marinara-base sauce::
Start by adding oil and your garlic into the saucepan, heating it up for about 1-2 minutes.  Then add your onions for a minute, and then your bell peppers.
Add your spinach and mix around until it wilts.
You can now add 1/2 jar of marinara sauce of your liking.
Add salt, pepper, red flakes, and other seasonings to taste.

 Now, back to the Squash!
Cut your squash in half and de-seed your squash.

 Then start forking your squash.  You will see how easy it is forking and the squash becoming string/noodle-like.

THAT IS IT! Just add the spaghetti squash into your sauces, and voila! A healthy, guilt-free, amazing tasting new way to pasta!

The best part to spaghetti squash is that is it truly so simple to make and you can add ANY sauce base to it. Voila, you are ready to indulge in some guilt-free, healthy alternative to pasta! You can put it in the fridge and simply warm it up later for a great meal for another time!

ps, don't forget to =)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mani Monday:: Flirting with Neutrals

Black, Creme, and Chevron

Who said neutrals had to be boring? I personally love playing with neutrals.  They are such a classy bunch of colors.  This simple and easy mani was created by doing two simple "V-shape" stripes and then just painting nails a solid color. Easy right? Why don't you try it yourself? 

It's a nice twist to this version of neutrals and chevron design in my earlier Monday Mani seen here.
Learn how to create a chevron look on your nails here!
Check back tomorrow to learn how to make a healthier version of pasta:: Spaghetti squash!
ps, don't forget to =)